Friday, 16 October 2015

What scares you?

This is my journal jar question of the day. 

Well the short answer is, lots of things scare me.  I'm scared of being in debt and not being able to retire.  I'm scared of pain.  I'm scared of dying.  I'd like to say no, I have enough faith to know I'll have eternal life but the truth is I'm still scared of the process of dying; I suppose because I'm afraid it will hurt, and I'm afraid of pain.  I'm scared of bees dying off.  I'm scared of terrorists.  I'm scared of disease, disaster and famine.  I'm scared of school shooters, psychopaths and sociopaths.  I'm scared of driving in the dark.  I'm scared of going blind and deaf.  I'm scared of my kids leaving the church and losing them forever.  I'm scared of Liberals and NDP.  Actually I'm scared of Conservatives too.  I guess I'm scared of politicians.  And doctors.  And lawyers.  I'm scared of movie and airplane seats that are too small.  I'm scared of maggots, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms and Guinea worms. 


I'm not scared of spiders. 

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